Tell me, is this you?

✓ You struggle with painful, missing, or irregular periods each month, thyroid issues, endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, weight gain, acne, and digestion issues and you aren't getting anywhere with your DIY approach.

✓ You feel like you have tried everything - special diets, elimination diets, cleanses, intermittent fasting, sooo many supplements, but you still aren't feeling a difference or still struggle with lingering symptoms.

✓ You are completely overwhelmed by all of the information out there, and are having trouble piecing all of it together to truly understand your body and have a clear cut view of what's going on.

Yea, I get it! I have been there too, and it can feel like there's no solution for what you may be going through.

Hey! I'm Emily

I'm so glad you are here! I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Menstrual Cycle Educator, and founder of Golden Wellness.

A few years ago, I was coming off of birth control and my periods came back with a vengeance. Painful cramping, weekly headaches, acne, bloating, and irritability took over my life. =My intuition told me that this was not the way this was supposed to be, so I began digging for the root cause.

I started learning about basic foundational pieces I was missing and how I was dismissing the cues my body was giving me throughout my cycle.

By slowing focusing feeding my body nutrient dense foods, exercising in an appropriate way, implementing stress management techniques, and building a lifestyle that supports hormone balance, I was able to put my symptoms into remission, and finally move on to enjoying my life, and feeling really good while doing that.

It is now my passion and mission in life to help other women do the same; to help them understand that they are not a victim to their cycles, but that their cycles are their greatest asset to living their best life.

Can you picture this?

✓ You wake up each day with energy

✓ You know exactly where you are in your cycle

✓ You enjoy PMS free cycles

✓ You have steady energy (all day long!)

✓ You fall asleep easily and sleep deeply through the night

✓ You have easy, routine periods each month

✓ Your sex drive comes back

✓ You feel warm, satiated, and calm during the day

✓ Your skin is clear and your hair is thick and strong

✓ You easily maintain a healthy weight

✓ You TRUST your body and know what it needs

✓ You enjoy food again, and know exactly how to nourish yourself

✓ You remember how to have fun again, and experience joy daily

THIS is exactly why I created this course, to provide you with a step by step guide to finally be able to step back into your power and bring back balance, so you can finally walk away from food fads, trends, and the endless cycle of guessing when it comes to your health.

What's inside Bringing Back Balance?

  • 7 modules containing over 30 engaging video lessons
  • Seven full length guides to accompany the lessons
  • Over 16 Bringing Back Balance handouts and worksheets, including a weekly meal planner, cycle phase planner, grocery list template, foods for the phases, herbs for the phases, sleep practices, proper food prep, and more.
  • Discount code to Phase Based Fitness, a four week workout program that aligns with your cycle phases
  • Access to a private community where you have the opportunity to ask me questions and ask for guidance and interact with other Bringing Back Balance students

Breakdown of the modules:

I created this course to be easy to follow, with both audio and visual slides to accompany the audio for better comprehension. Guides, handouts, and worksheets all help for you to easily implement the material into your own life.

Module 1: The 401 On Your Menstrual Cycle and Hormones

In this module you will learn exactly what hormones are and their role in the body, and how they come together to orchestrate your menstrual cycle. We will dive into the four phases of the menstrual cycle, learning about how the hormones at play during each phase play a role in our energy, mindset, nourishment needs, and productivity. Lastly, we will learn how to begin to align our daily lifestyles with our cycle phases.

Module 2: Understanding How Your Body Works + Tracking Your Health from Home

In module 2 we are going to be diving into understanding the role of the metabolism in our health, as well as easy to use tools we can use at home to begin assessing our metabolic health. We will also learn how to track our cycles using basal body temperature and cervical fluid observation to understand where you are in your cycle and collect data on your cycle.

Module 3: Balanced Blood Sugar: Real Nourishment for the Real Woman

In this module we will be learning all things nourishment - what exactly to eat for hormone health, understanding how much of each macro you need to eat for your unique needs, how to put nourishing meals together, how to properly prepare food, the importance of the role of balanced blood sugar, and looking into supportive foods and herbs for each phase of your cycle.

Module 4: Building Stress Resiliency

In Module 4 we are talking all things stress - understanding how stress works in the body, how chronic stress can be playing a role in symptoms, conditions, and how you feel each day, why stress hormones aren't necessarily a bad thing, how we can begin to support our adrenals and improve our stress resiliency, and lower any unnecessary stressors.

Module 5: Supporting Natural Detoxification

In this module we are taking a closer look at two key players in metabolic health: our gut and livers. We will be diving into why our diets and lifestyle play a huge role in how well our bodies can detox, as well as ways we can begin to support our gut health and improve liver function in order to support estrogen detox to improve hormone balance.

Module 6: Building a Balanced Lifestyle

In module 6 we get into how we can begin to cultivate a lifestyle that supports our metabolic health and is aligned with our feminine energy and cyclical nature. We will talk about the importance of a connection to nature and how are cycles mimic nature, creating a supportive morning routine, evening routine, and integrating supportive exercise and movement.

Module 7: Reconnect With Yourself

In this last module, we will bring it full circle here and discuss the differences in masculine and feminine energy, how we can begin to connect more to our feminine energy, and why we need to incorporate more fun and find the joy in the mundane into our daily lives.


How long does it take to complete the course?

You can complete the course in a little over 6 hours, however I do suggest taking your time to integrate what you are learning as you go for the best results!

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! There is an option below to split the full cost into two payments.

When does the course start?

Bringing Back Balance is a completely self paced course! Once you enroll, the course is yours forever, and you can go through it at whichever speed suits you.

Do you offer refunds?

Once you have purchased the course and accessed course materials, this course is yours for life. Considering the digital nature of this product, the course in non-refundable.

How long will I have access to the course?

Forever! Once you enroll this course is yours until the end of time. This means that you will be grandfathered in for any future course updates.

How can I ask you questions as I go through the course?

Yes! I highly suggest joining our private community when you enroll where you will have access to myself for clarification and questions you may have, and also get the support of fellow students going through the course with you.

Any additional questions? Send them here! [email protected]

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